Meliora Consulting is a fully-owned subsidiary of СÒù¹÷, providing customized process improvement solutions through a team of Six Sigma Master Black Belts.
A systematic approach to driving change.
Time is a limited resource. It can be spent on growing the business, improving existing processes, developing employees, and a whole host of other items. Solving complex business issues can be challenging, even with time to do so. Improvement projects often stagnate or fail because they do not solve for the true root cause or lack of buy-in from employees and key stakeholders. , we help our clients increase system capacity, fix broken processes, and improve margin. We leverage a wide-ranging toolset of proven process improvement techniques while enhancing our clients’ internal improvement and change management skillset. In short, we help you improve efficiently and effectively.
Project Coaching
Developing, executing, and sustaining process improvement initiatives requires a systematic and disciplined approach. At Meliora, our team of Six Sigma Master Black Belts guides you through the DMAIC process, employing a variety of visual and analytical tools to collaboratively engage your employees in team-based problem solving:
Define: defining the problem, establishing scope, understanding customer needs, and identifying key stakeholders to set the foundation for a successful project
Measure: mapping the current process, collecting and consolidating data, plotting the data over time and distribution to focus the improvement effort
Analyze: analyzing the current process for error points and waste loops, identifying root causes, using statistical methods to quantify and verify root causes
Improve: developing, piloting, and implementing solutions that address root causes; creating implementation plans and quantifying results
Control: institutionalizing the new process through procedures, training, and monitoring plans; ensuring gains are maintained and learnings preserved
Strategic Planning
Sustained, continuous improvement doesn’t just happen through brute force, it requires a strategic mindset. Our team designs customized strategic planning modules focused on your key performance indicators, value creators, and cost drivers. Leveraging best practices from Six Sigma, Lean Management, the Toyota Production System, and many other time-tested tools, we help you focus your improvement efforts on what matters to your business.
Six Sigma Training
Invest in your employees and build their change management skillset. Meliora’s training platform offers a wide range of ranging from customized 1-hour sessions to our intensive 4-week Six Sigma Black Belt program. Our team of instructors brings decades of practical and academic experience together to create an interactive and risk-free learning environment. Focus areas include process mapping, brainstorming techniques, group dynamics, risk mitigation, and statistical analysis. Students learn skills that they can employ in both their daily work activities and as part of an improvement project.